
Summer Update

In less than a month, we will be leaving Kevin's back yard and heading back to Vancouver Island to put down roots. So much has happened this summer, and it seems like we have been back in Regina forever, even though it hasn't been that long at all. It wasn't the summer I envisioned having here. At first I thought it would be three months of partying and working and catching up with old friends, but then we got pregnant, and I expected a summer of sober activities, and checking out all of the Regina summer fun...and getting to hang out with family and friends. Both scenarios are pretty similar, one just has more booze in it.

And then, we lost the baby, before I even got a chance to blog about it. I just read (and deleted) the post I wrote when we were about 6 weeks along, and wanting to tell the whole world about our big news. It's heartwrenching to say the least to read those joyous words, when these days, it's all I can do not to be a total negative fucking Nelly about all things baby-related. Everything changed, and went back to normal all at once when we miscarried. We have spent our time mostly at home with friends since then, and other than our annual camping trip at Madge Lake (that was very different than previous years), we haven't been up to much. A few nights out here and there, an adventure at Fort San, a much needed weekend away in Gravelbourg. We're working to save money, and go back west, and hoping that things will start to work out for us soon. Please universe, let things start to work out for us soon.

Thank you to everyone who has been there for us this summer, and to those we haven't had a chance to see yet, we're leaving at the end of the month, so give us a ring if you want to get together.

Until then, I'm going to try to keep enjoying this glorious hot and dry weather, before we head back to the rainforest!

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